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Privacy Policy

It is intended that questionnaire responses, digitised archival material and interview transcripts and recordings will be made available to the public through this digital portal, in order to enhance knowledge and contribute to future research.

However, the information you provide, and your identity will only be made available to the public through the WITH Project Digital Portal with your consent. Please ensure that you indicate that you consent to the public use of your contribution and to your identity being revealed where prompted on the Contribution page. If you want your contribution to be anonymous and confidential, or would like to place some restrictions on the information, please outline your request in response to the prompt on the Contribution page. The information you share will be treated according to your wishes.

Participation in this study is completely voluntary. You may withdraw at any time before the end of 2021 without risk of negative consequences. If you choose to withdraw your participation in this study, the information you have provided will be immediately destroyed. If you request confidentiality, the information you provide will be stored in a secure location at Bond University for a period of five years in accordance with guidelines set out by the Bond University Human Research Ethics Committee.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the manner in which this research is being conducted please make contact with:

Bond University Human Research Ethics Committee, c/o Bond University Office of Research Services, Bond University, Gold Coast, 4229. Tel: +61 7 5595 4194 Fax: +61 7 5595 1120. Email: buhrec@bond.edu.au